Cambridge YLE & TLE Highlights Our summer Cambridge Young Learners (YLE) and Teen Learners (TLE) Programs for 2023 have come and gone and were filled with magical moments! Students got to meet students from other countries and

ACTIVITIES Sunset Picnic One of the best ways for students to get to know each other is by joining our Sunset Picnic. Every month we take a trip to the beach known as Magic Island for a

EXCITING NEWS: YLE & Parent/Child Programs are back in January - February! Due to huge success and back by popular demand, GV Hawaii will offer a Cambridge Young Learners of English (YLE) Program & Parent/Child from January 22

2024 CALENDAR Preparing for your English studies next year? GV Hawaii's 2024 Calendar is now available! You can download the full 2024 GV Hawaii Calendar here.

YOUTH PROGRAM GOING STRONG! July 3rd kicked off our Cambridge Young Learners of English (YLE) & Teen Learners of English (TLE) Programs. Going to optional activities in the morning with classes in the afternoon is truly the

Zipline Enjoying the beautiful views and experiencing the adrenaline rush on this ziplining adventure. World Ocean's Day Celebrated World Ocean's Day by joining a water activity! GV Hawaii offers a wide variety of ocean adventures from surfing

Our Level 5 and Level 6 classes taking their studies outside the classroom to visit historical sites nearby, stopping by the statue of King Kamehameha I for a photo. King Kamehameha I is a legendary Hawaiian chief,

Due to huge success and back by popular demand, GVH will offer a Winter YLE Program from January 22 to February 9, 2024 [3 weeks]. If students book before November 2, 2023, then the student will receive

MAHALO to WCT English School in Korea for uploading the videos. WCT 영어회화 채널 [하와이 어학연수] 1. 하와이에 도착했습니다! ✈️ WCT 영어회화 채널 [하와이 어학연수] 2. 어학원에서의 생활을 소개해드릴게요〰 🌴

ACTIVITIES Ukulele Ukulele lesson activities are available for our students throughout the month. We also offer private lessons as part of our English + Ukulele program. Spam Jam Festival The festivities opened up with a celebration honoring